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#HECWhyWait - Master's students share the unforgettable moments when HEC Paris said 'Yes!'

The application process for our Master’s programs can be a challenging journey of self-discovery. It takes time and commitment, but it is also the perfect opportunity for you to step back and really think about your interests, passions, and motivations. But how does it really feel when you come through the process successfully? We reached out to some of our Master’s students and asked them to recall the emotions they felt when they received their letter of acceptance from HEC Paris.

Visual Article - Mastter's students share the emotional impact of being admitted
Photo - HEC Paris Master's student - Iane Ines BindeI received the news during my internship. I was chatting with a friend when the response arrived and asked her to verify with me. I thought I was dreaming. She confirmed that I was indeed admitted, and we both jumped with joy. We started informing everyone in the office, and they were all surprised and ecstatic. Out of superstition, I hadn't told many people about my application to HEC. I gradually began to inform my close circle, and eventually celebrated with all my loved ones in the days that followed. It was an intense week that I will remember for a long time.

Iane Ines Binde - Master in Management




Photo - HEC Paris Master's student - Zhenyu LeiI must admit, I wasn't overly confident about my chances of being admitted to HEC Paris deliberated for a while before applying. However, I'm immensely gratefandul that I took the leap. I vividly recall the moment I received the acceptance letter. I was in a bustling cafeteria, eagerly refreshing my inbox. I was on a call with my best friend. And when the offer came through, I couldn't hold back tears of joy as I shared the news with him.

Zhenyu Lei - Master in Strategic Management




Photo - HEC Paris Master's student - Camille Grahouan
Being admitted to HEC Paris was an achievement and the result of a long period of commitment. I had put more than 2 years of my life into preparing my application and I dreamed about being admitted every night. Thinking about it, you could say that it is just a school admission, but the process taught me so much about myself and I consider HEC Paris to be a huge milestone for me and a gateway to achieving greater things in my life.”

Camille Grahouan - Master in Management




Photo - HEC Paris Master's student - Rosette JospehI was at work, and I couldn't focus at all that day, knowing the results were due at 3:30 pm. I stepped outside the building to check the admission results. My heart was racing, and I had no idea how I'd react. My sister and parents were on the phone with me as I loaded the results. I was trembling with anticipation, and then I saw the word "félicitations". That's when I knew I was in, and the joy was overwhelming. My family shared in my happiness over the phone.” 

Rosette Joseph - Master in Management




Photo - HEC Paris Master's student - Marc Saliba SaoudaThe moment I received my acceptance letter from HEC Paris was a memorable one. I was on my exchange semester at McGill in Montreal, so I had received the email during my sleep. I woke up to the calls of friends and family checking if I had been accepted to HEC Paris and when I opened the letter, I couldn’t believe it and was convinced it was all a dream. My feelings were a mix of joy, excitement, and relief. I knew immediately I wanted to come to HEC Paris.

Marc Saliba Saouda - Master in Management




Photo - HEC Paris Masters Student - Saimei ZhangI remember that day vividly, I was at a family gathering, trying to distract myself from constantly checking my email. When I finally saw the notification from HEC Paris, my heart beat quickly. Opening it, I was met with the words I had been hoping to see. I was crying right after knowing I got accepted. My family's reactions and their pride only heightened the emotions. It was a magical moment. "

Saimei Zhang - Master in Marketing



Photo - HEC Paris Masters Student - Ivan Bahintchie
This day was probably the best Friday of 2023. I checked the results and when I started reading ‘Congratulations’, I knew all the tests I studied hard for, the interviews I rehearsed for, the grades I worked hard to get, and the dedication and discipline had paid off. I knew that I was ready for HEC Paris to be the next step in my journey, and I was really happy to see that the admission team also believed in me. This felt like getting a reward for the effort put into a year-long preparation process.”

Ivan Bahintchie - Master in Management



Photo - HEC Paris Masters Student - Riana Yachi
Prior to the announcement, I maintained a balanced perspective, acknowledging that I had dedicated my utmost effort to the application process and that the outcome would rest on the compatibility between HEC's expectations and my personal and academic profile. The acceptance letter sparked joy, deep relief, and validation, intensifying my gratitude toward those who supported my journey and fueling my resolve for future endeavors."

Riana Yachi - Master in Management




Being admitted to an HEC Paris Master’s program is just the beginning of an exceptional human and educational journey that opens doors to unlimited opportunities. Our aim is to help our students develop and grow, achieve their aspirations and career goals, and make a positive impact in our fast-changing world. So why wait?


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