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Rodolphe DURAND


Stratégie et Politique d'Entreprise

 Profile picture


Rodolphe Durand est professeur à HEC Paris, titulaire de la chaire "Joly Family Chair in Purposeful Leadership", fondateur et directeur académique de l'Institut Society and Organizations lancé en 2009. Au cours des dernières années, il a été Professeur Visitant à la New York University (Stern Business School), à la London Business School, et à l’Université de Cambridge (Judge Business School), ainsi que Chercheur Invité à la Harvard Business School en 2012. Il a dirigé le département Stratégie et Politique d’Entreprise de 2009 à 2013 et a été le directeur académique du Mc Strategic Management (2012-2015).

Ses travaux de recherche, primés par l’American Sociological Association (2005), l’European Academy of Management (2010), et la Strategic Management Society (2014) portent sur les sources de l’avantage concurrentiel et les déterminants cognitifs et normatifs de la performance des organisations : Pourquoi les organisations l’emportent-elles sur leurs rivales ? Est-ce que des principes, des intérêts, et des comportements nouveaux tels que ceux liés à la responsabilité sociale ou l’économie inclusive peuvent contribuer à apporter un avantage aux entreprises et diffuser au sein des marchés ? Les organisations doivent-elles innover ou plutôt se conformer à des normes et des logiques en vigueur pour réussir.

Ses derniers ouvrages, « L’organisation pirate » (co-ecrit avec JP Vergne, Eds Bord de L’Eau, 2010 ; The Pirate Organization, Harvard Business Review Press, 2012) et « La désorganisation du monde » (Eds Bord de l’Eau, 2013 ; « Organizations, Strategy, and Society, Routledge, 2014) mettent en perspective la fin des idéologies, la légitimité du management, et l’évolution du capitalisme. En tant que conseiller, senior advisor, et membre non-exécutif de conseils d’administration, il a aidé de nombreuses organisations à établir leur avantage concurrentiel, à développer et à mettre en œuvre de nouvelles stratégies.

Articles scientifiques

Strategy can no Longer Ignore Planetary Boundaries: A Call for Tackling Strategy's Ecological Fallacy

Journal of Management Studies, À paraître, (in coll. with P. (. Bansal, M. Kreutzer, S. Kunisch, A. M. McGahan)

Impact investing in disadvantaged urban areas

Strategic Management Journal, 19 2024, vol. 45, n° 2, pp 238-271, (in coll. with R. Boulongne, C. Flammer)

Who Controls the Controller? People Reaction to Social Control Agent's Decisions about Organizational Misconduct

Journal of Management Studies, mai 2024, vol. 61, n° 3, pp 785-819, (in coll. with G. Cattani, M. Clemente, K. M. Mai)

A Rivalry-Based Theory of Gender Diversity

Strategic Management Journal, mai 2023, vol. 44, n° 5, pp 1254-1291, (in coll. with J. K. MAWDSLEY, L. PAOLELLA)

Valuing Spanners: Why Category Nesting and Expertise Matter

Academy of Management Journal, 19 2023, vol. 66, n° 1, pp 335-365, (in coll. with A. Cudennec)

Litigate or let it go? Multi-market contact and IP infringement-litigation dynamics

Research Policy, juillet 2023, vol. 52, n° 6, pp 104784, (in coll. with L. Diestre, F. Lumineau)

Flipping the Coin Again – Redefining Strategy Through a Relational Class Approach

Advances in Strategic Management, 2023, vol. 43, pp 115-139, (in coll. with P.-A. KREMP, T. OBLOJ)

To Be or Not To Be (Typical): Evaluation-Mode Heterogeneity and its Consequences for Organizations

Academy of Management Review, octobre 2023, vol. 48, n° 4, pp 659-680, (in coll. with P. Gouvard)

From the Boardroom: Making Purpose Research Relevant for Practice

Strategy Science, juin 2023, vol. 8, n° 2, pp 149-158,

Michelin Is Coming to Town: Organizational Responses to Status Shocks

Management Science, septembre 2022, vol. 68, n° 9, pp 6925–6949, (in coll. with S. D. FAVARON, G. DI STEFANO)


A Broader Vision of Business

Flammarion (in coll. with A. FRÉROT )

En quête de sens : un dialogue entre dirigeants et futurs dirigeants

Dunod (in coll. with C. LAVRARD-MEYER )

L'entreprise de demain

Flammarion (in coll. with A. FRÉROT )

Strategor - 8ème édition, Toute la stratégie de la start-up à la multinationale


Strategor - 7ème édition


Organizations, Strategy and Society: The Orgology of Disorganized Worlds

Routledge, New York

La désorganisation du monde

Le Bord de l'Eau

Strategor - 6ème édition


The Pirate Organization: Lessons from the Fringes of Capitalism

Harvard Business Press Books (in coll. with J. VERGNE )

L'organisation pirate

Le Bord de l'Eau (in coll. with J.-P. VERGNE )

Chapitres d'ouvrages

An Audience-Based Theory of Firm Purposefulness

Advances In Cultural Entrepreneurship (Research In The Sociology Of Organizations, Vol. 80, Lockwood C. and Soublière J-F., Emerald Group Publishing Limited, 193-216

Legitimacy Judgments and Prosociality: Organizational Purpose Explained

Handbook On The Business Of Sustainability: The Organization, Implementation, And Practice Of Sustainable Growth, Gerry George, Martine R. Haas, Havovi Joshi, Anita McGahan and Paul Tracey, Edward Elgar Publishing, 2 , 43-62

Competitive Advantage = Strategy, Reboot

Strategic Management: State Of The Field And Its Future, Irene Duhaime, Michael Hitt, Marjorie Lyles, Oxford University Press, 4

When Do Market Intermediaries Sanction Categorial Deviation? The Role of Expertise, Identity and Competition

Microfoundations Of Institutions (Research In The Sociology Of Organizations, Vol. 65A), Haack P., Sieweke J. and Wessel L., Emerald Group Publishing Limited, 67-83

Advancing Category Research: Theoretical Mapping and Under-Researched Areas

The Sage Handbook Of Organizational Institutionalism, 2Nd Ed., R. Greenwood, C. Oliver, T. Lawrence, & R. E. Meyer, SAGE Publications, 4

Organizational wrongdoing and media bias

Organizational Wrongdoing ,Key Perspectives And New Directions, D. Palmer, K. Smith-Crowe K., R. Greenwood (Eds), Cambridge University Press, 435-473

Institutional Logics as Strategic Resources

Research In The Sociology Of Organizations, M. Lounsbry, E. Boxenbaum, Emerald Group Publishing Limited, Institutional Logics in Action , 165-201

Strong in the morning, dead in the evening: a genealogical and contextual perspective on organizational selection

The Globalization Of Strategy Research (Advances In Strategic Management, Volume 27), J. Baum (ed.), Emerald Group Publishing Limited, 279-312

(Un)Great Expectations- Effects of underestimations and self-perception on performance

Handbook Of Research On Foresight And Strategy, L. Costanzo (ed.), Edward Elgar Publishing

Practical wisdom and emotional capability as antecedents of organizational accountability in revolutionary change processes

Research On Emotion In Organizations, N. Ashkanasy, W. Zerbe, C. Hartel (Eds), Emerald Group Publishing Limited

Actes de conférence

Stick or Yardstick? Organizational Misconduct, Social Control Agents, and People Voice

The Sound of Finance: The Impact of Categorization and Linguistic Congruence on IPO Underpricing

78th Annual Meeting of the Academy of Management, August 10-14, 2018 , 2018 , Chicago , 2018 , 1 (P. GOUVARD)

Category Reloaded: The Case of Socially Responsible Investment

77th Annual Meeting of the Academy of Management, August 4-8, 2017 , 2017 , Atlanta , 2017 , 1 (D-L. ARJALIES)

Toward a Theory of Organizations’ Purpose: Linguistic Congruence, Antecedents and Consequences

Cahiers de recherche

Cas pédagogiques

Is the LYDEC experience replicable?


Purposeful Leadership in a turnaround

Articles scientifiques

Impact investing in disadvantaged urban areas

Strategic Management Journal, 19 2024, vol. 45, n° 2, pp 238-271, (in coll. with R. Boulongne, C. Flammer)

Who Controls the Controller? People Reaction to Social Control Agent's Decisions about Organizational Misconduct

Journal of Management Studies, mai 2024, vol. 61, n° 3, pp 785-819, (in coll. with G. Cattani, M. Clemente, K. M. Mai)

A Rivalry-Based Theory of Gender Diversity

Strategic Management Journal, mai 2023, vol. 44, n° 5, pp 1254-1291, (in coll. with J. K. MAWDSLEY, L. PAOLELLA)

Flipping the Coin Again – Redefining Strategy Through a Relational Class Approach

Advances in Strategic Management, 2023, vol. 43, pp 115-139, (in coll. with P.-A. KREMP, T. OBLOJ)


A Broader Vision of Business

Flammarion (in coll. with A. FRÉROT )

En quête de sens : un dialogue entre dirigeants et futurs dirigeants

Dunod (in coll. with C. LAVRARD-MEYER )

L'entreprise de demain

Flammarion (in coll. with A. FRÉROT )

Strategor - 8ème édition, Toute la stratégie de la start-up à la multinationale


Chapitres d'ouvrages

An Audience-Based Theory of Firm Purposefulness

Advances In Cultural Entrepreneurship (Research In The Sociology Of Organizations, Vol. 80, Lockwood C. and Soublière J-F., Emerald Group Publishing Limited, 193-216

Legitimacy Judgments and Prosociality: Organizational Purpose Explained

Handbook On The Business Of Sustainability: The Organization, Implementation, And Practice Of Sustainable Growth, Gerry George, Martine R. Haas, Havovi Joshi, Anita McGahan and Paul Tracey, Edward Elgar Publishing, 2 , 43-62

Competitive Advantage = Strategy, Reboot

Strategic Management: State Of The Field And Its Future, Irene Duhaime, Michael Hitt, Marjorie Lyles, Oxford University Press, 4

When Do Market Intermediaries Sanction Categorial Deviation? The Role of Expertise, Identity and Competition

Microfoundations Of Institutions (Research In The Sociology Of Organizations, Vol. 65A), Haack P., Sieweke J. and Wessel L., Emerald Group Publishing Limited, 67-83

Actes de conférence

Stick or Yardstick? Organizational Misconduct, Social Control Agents, and People Voice

The Sound of Finance: The Impact of Categorization and Linguistic Congruence on IPO Underpricing

78th Annual Meeting of the Academy of Management, August 10-14, 2018 , 2018 , Chicago , 2018 , 1 (P. GOUVARD)

Category Reloaded: The Case of Socially Responsible Investment

77th Annual Meeting of the Academy of Management, August 4-8, 2017 , 2017 , Atlanta , 2017 , 1 (D-L. ARJALIES)

Toward a Theory of Organizations’ Purpose: Linguistic Congruence, Antecedents and Consequences

Cahiers de recherche

Cas pédagogiques

Is the LYDEC experience replicable?


Purposeful Leadership in a turnaround


  • Docteur Honoris Causa, Catholic University of Louvain - Belgique
  • Habilitation à diriger des recherches, Stratégie et Politique d'Entreprise, Université Jean Moulin Lyon 3 - France
  • Doctorat HEC, HEC Paris - France
  • Mastère en Philosophie, Université Paris Sorbonne Lettres et Civilisations - France
  • DEA de Stratégie et Management, Université Paris Ouest la Défense - France
  • Diplôme Grande École, HEC Paris - France

Nominations académiques

Responsabilités académiques à HEC

  • 2018- Joly Family Chaired Professor in Purposeful Leadership HEC Paris
  • 2016-2018 HEC Foundation Senior Chaired Professor HEC Paris
  • 2011-2015 Directeur Académique du Msc en Management Stratégique HEC Paris
  • 2010-2015 Titulaire de la Chaire « Business and Sustainability », financé par Engie HEC Paris
  • 2009- Fondateur et Directeur de l'Institut Society and Organizations HEC Paris
  • 2009- Professeur HEC Paris
  • 2004- Membre du GREGHEC, le laboratoire de recherche CNRS-HEC Paris HEC Paris

Responsabilités académiques externes

  • 2014-2014 Professeur visitant London Business School
  • 2012-2012 Doctorant visitant Harvard Business School
  • 2011-2011 Montemozolo Visiting Professor, Fellow of Sidney-Sussex College University of Cambridge, Judge Business School
  • 2011-2011 Professeur visitant New York University, Stern School of Business
  • 2007-2008 Professeur visitant City University - Cass Business School, Londres
  • 1999-2004 Professeur, Strategy Department EM Lyon
  • 1998-1999 Visiting Assistant Professor Emory University - Goizueta School of Business
  • 1997-1998 Visiting Assistant Professor Tulane University

Activités scientifiques

Adhésion à l'organisation académique ou professionnelle

  • Membre permanent de la Commission Contrats de société au Club des juristes
  • Membre : Academy of Management (AOM), Strategic Management Society (SMS), American Sociology Association (ASA), European Group for Organization Studies (EGOS), European Academy of Management (EURAM), Association Internationale de Management Strategique (AIMS)

Activités scientifiques

  • 2017- Editeur Associé : Strategic Management Journal
  • janvier 2016-mai 2020 Editeur Asscoié : Organization and Environment
  • 2011- Les mouvements sociaux, organisations et stratégies - Revue Française de Gestion, octobre 2011, Editors: D. Golsorkhi, H. Bergeron, P. Castel, R. Durand, B. Leca
  • 2006-2012 Editeur Associé, European Management Review
  • 2006- Editeur Associé, Scandinavian Management Journal
  • Membres des comités éditoriaux : Academy of Management Review (2011- 2015), Journal of Management Studies (2007- )
  • Membre du Comité Scientifique : Business Digest
  • Guest editor for Special Issue: SMJ 2017: Reviews of Strategic Management Research (with R. Grant and T. Madsen) Research in Sociology in Organizations (RSO volume) 2017: From categories to categorization (with N. Granqvist and A. Tyllstrom)
  • Guest editor for Special Issue: AMR 2015: Communication, Cognition, and Institutions (with J. Cornelissen, P. Fiss, J. Lammers, and E. Vaara)
  • Anciennement membre des comités éditoriaux : Strategic Management Journal (2007- 2016), Organization Studies (2009-2012), Strategic Organization (2008-2013), et Long Range Planning (2008-2011)
  • Rapporteur : Academy of Management Journal, Administrative Science Quarterly, American Journal of Sociology, American Sociological Review, Organization Science, entre autres

  • Conference organisation

  • 2024-2024 Organizer of the 9th S&O Research Day by the Society & Organizations (S&O) Institute
  • 2023-2023 Organisateur de la 1ère édition du Purpose Day : “ Bringing Change with Purpose”
  • 2022-2022 1st HEC Climate Days
  • 2019-2019 Organisateur du workshop de l'Institut Society and Organizations et l'ARCS sur “Accelerating Researcher-Practitioner Collaborations in Sustainability Research”, 11-12 Octobre 2019, Collège des Bernardins, Paris, France
  • 2019- Organisateur de la conférence annuelle de l'Institut Society and Organizations "AI, Robotics and Work"
  • 2019- Co-organisateur de la 5ème édition du Research Day de l'Institut Society and Organizations
  • 2019- Comité organisateur de la XIème Medici Summer School in Management Studies, "Commercialization of Art and Science", HEC Paris
  • 2018-2018 Co-Président de la conférence 2018 de la Strategic Management Society
  • 2018- Co-organisateur de la 4ème édition du Research Day de l'Institut Society and Organizations
  • 2018- Comité organisateur de la Xème Medici Summer School in Management Studies “the Role of Organizations as Vehicles for Social Change”, Bologna, Italy
  • 2017-2017 Conférence annuelle "Alliances for cities in transition", co-organisée par l'Institut Society and Organizations d’HEC Paris et l’Association des Alumni
  • 2017-2017 Co-organisateur de la 3ème édition du Research Day de l'Institut Society and Organizations
  • 2017- Comité organisateur de la IXème Medici Summer School in Management Studies, “The organization of Innovation & Entrepreneurship”, Cambridge MIT Sloan School of Management
  • 2016-2016 Organisateur de la conférence Finance4Good : How can Finance help address the main challenges of our global society?
  • 2016-2016 Co-organisateur de la 2nde édition du Research Day de l'Institut Society and Organizations
  • 2016-2016 Comité organisateur de la VIIIème Medici Summer School in Management Studies, "Organizational Bases of Inequality", Paris
  • 2015-2015 Comité Organisateur de la VIIème Medici Summer School in Management Studies "Social Valuation in Organizational, Interpersonal, and Market Contexts", Bologne
  • 2015-2015 Organisateur de la conférence de l'Institut Society and Organizations et de Golden “Towards a Sustainable Economy”
  • 2015-2015 Co-organisateur de la 1ère édition du Research Day de l'Institut Society and Organizations
  • 2014-2014 Organisateur de la VIème Medici Summer School, "Deviance and Deviants in Organizational Research", Florence
  • 2013-2013 Organisateur de la Vème Medici Summer School in Management Studies, "Internationalization Strategies: old questions, new contexts", Florence
  • 2013- Organisateur de la Conférence Social Business : 10ème anniversaire
  • 2011-2011 Co-organisateur de la Conference "Coordination within and among Organizations"
  • 2010- Co-organisateur de la Conference "Society and Organizations": From routines to movements - and back", HEC Paris, Rouen Business School, Centre de Sociologie des Organisation, Sciences Po
  • 2008-2008 Directeur du Program Track pour "Competitive Strategy" à la Conférence Internationale Annuelle 2008 de SMS, Cologne
  • 2007-2007 Co-organisateur et Président du Comité Académique de l'EURAM 2007 (European Academy of Management), Paris
  • 2007-2007 Co-organisateur de la conférence Les Echos-INPI-HEC sur la propriété industrielle
  • 2007-2008 Président du Comité Scientifique de l'EURAM
  • 2007-2007 Président du Comité Scientifique de l'AIMS
  • 2004-2004 Organizer of tracks for the EGOS conference
  • 2003-2003 Organizer of tracks for the EGOS conference - "Pushing old legitimacies clown the stairs", Copenhagen
  • 2001-2001 Organizer of tracks for the EGOS conference - "Space as an Organizational Resource", Lyon
  • Co-organisateur des Entretiens de Paris, les Echos, INPI HEC
  • Prix ​​& honneurs

    • 2022 Winner with Mark Desjardine (Pennsylvania State University) of the ONE-SIM Outreach Award for their outreach activities based on the paper “Disentangling the effects of hedge fund activism on firm financial and social performance” (Strategic Management Journal, 2020)
    • 2022 Prix 2021 du Chercheur de la Fondation HEC
    • 2022 Competition winner: Purposeful Leadership at Best Buy,, Outstanding New Case Writer Competition category at The Case Centre Awards and Competitions 2022
    • 2021 Award of the Best Published Article goes to Mark DesJardine 41 : 1054–1082
    • 2019 Doctor honoris causa de l'Université Catholique de Louvain
    • 2019 Conférence annuelle ARCS : Prix du meilleur papier
    • 2017 Prix Fondation HEC du Meilleur Chercheur
    • 2016 Prix 2016 du meilleur papier , ARCS (Alliance for Research in Corporate Sustainability) pour "A Model of Organizational Symbolism: Understanding the Different Shades of Green"
    • 2016 2016 Emerald Citation of Excellence for "Category stretching: Reorienting research on categories in strategy, entrepreneurship, and organization theory", Journal of Management Studies, 50(6), 1100-1123, Durand, R., and Paolella, L. (2013)
    • 2014 Fellow of the Strategic Management Society
    • 2012 Prix du Chercheur de l'année, Fondation HEC
    • 2010 European Academy of Management, Imagination Lab award for Innovative Scholarship
    • 2010 Emerald Management Reviews Citation of Excellence 2010 pour l'article Causation, counterfactuals, and competitive advantage, Strategic Management Journal, 30: 1264-1284
    • 2009 Fondation HEC, prix du meilleur article publié par un membre de la faculté d’HEC pour "Do science and money go together ? The case of French Biotech industry", Strategic Management Journal, 2008, vol. 29, n° 12, France
    • 2006 Fondation HEC, prix du meilleur article publié en 2006 par un membre de la faculté d’HEC, France
    • 2005 Prix Richard Scott de l'American Sociological Association (division "Organizations, Occupations, and Work") pour "Institutional Change in Toque Ville: Nouvelle Cuisine as an Identity Movement in French Gastronomy", American Journal of Sociology, 2003 108 (4) p795-843 co-ecrit avec H. Rao et P. Monin
    • 1999 Lauréat du prix "Best Young French Researcher", AIMS
    • 1998 Finaliste du prix "Best Dissertation", HEC
    • 1993 Prix Ernst and Young du Meilleur papier recherche
    • 1992 HEC Dean Award